Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Best of 2015 Day 2- Best Book Covers!

The Phoenix Born (A Dance of Dragons, #3)

Crystallum (Primordial Principles #1)

Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle #2)

I See You (Oracle #2)

Shadow of Deception (The Kazumi Chronicles, #1)

Rare Form (Descended of Dragons #1)

Pirateship Down (Sentinels of New Orleans #4.5)

Bound in Black (The Vessel Trilogy)

The Last Necromancer (The Ministry of Curiosities, #1)

Unearthed (The Heights, #2)

The Talon of the Hawk (The Twelve Kingdoms, #3)

Waking the Dragon (Vale of Stars, #1)

Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea, #2)

Pirate's Alley (Sentinels of New Orleans, #4)

Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)


Guardians Dynasty (Nature's Destiny, #3)

Bridges Burned (Going Down in Flames, #2)

Here's a reminder of the week's daily topics -

Monday, December 21st - Best Books I've Read in 2015 (Doesn't have to be released in 2015, just a book you've read in 2015) though I did published in 2015 because my list would be ridiculous LOL

Tuesday, December 22nd - Best Book Covers of 2015 (MUST be a book released in 2015. Would be best if it's a book you've READ in 2015, but it's not required)

Wednesday, December 23rd - Best ________ Of 2015 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE or more of these topics - Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV's, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER - this list MUST be from books you've READ in 2015)

Thursday, December 24th - Best Book Boyfriends of 2015 (MUST be from a book released in 2015 and from a book you've READ in 2015)

Friday, December 25th - Top 10 Books I'm looking forward to in 2016. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2016)

The only rules to follow are posting the topics on the dates we've provided.

and all the other blogs participating are here- http://www.twochicksonbooks.com/2015/12/top-10-of-2015-day-1-best-books-ive.html

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